3 years ago in Quotes
If the world sees you are determined to make something of yourself it will help you.
 3 years ago in Quotes
I would like the expert physicians who are condemning me for my action, which has proven their ability, to take a perfectly sane and healthy woman, shut her up and make her sit from 6 A. M. until 8 P. M. on straight-back benches, do not allow her to talk or move during these hours, give her no reading and let her know nothing of the world or its doings, give her bad food and harsh treatment, and see how long it will take to make her insane. Two months would make her a mental and physical wreck.
 3 years ago in Quotes
Accept praise for its worth — politeness. Be brutally frank with yourself. It's safer.
 3 years ago in Quotes
It is only after one is in trouble that one realizes how little sympathy and kindness there are in the world.